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Earth Day 2022

Abr 22, 2022

Earth Day first began 52 years ago as an effort to organize teach-ins on university campuses about sustainability amid threats to climate change from human behaviors.

Now, April 22 represents an annual date for nearly 200 countries to celebrate environmental diversity as well as to support environmental protection.

The holiday is celebrated by over 190 countries, mobilizing over 1 billion people to take action every year, according to the official Earth Day website. It has influenced a global movement that led to environmentally-friendly legislation, advocacy, and research that aims to honor our home planet.

While nations are working to achieve their sustainability goals, Earth Day is the day to inspire everyone and highlight what they can do to be a part of the green movement.

Get Involved In Earth Day 2022

Ten Simple Things You Can Do to Help Protect the Earth

  1. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the three “R’s” to conserve natural resources and landfill space.
    1. Reduce: Reduction of waste generation. Don’t be wasteful. Reduce garbage.
    2. Reuse: Reuse of products and parts. Use things again and again.
    3. Recycle: Use of recycled resources. Recycle resources for reuse.
  2. Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community. You can get involved in protecting your watershed, too.
  3. Educate. When you further your own education, you can help others understand the importance and value of our natural resources.
  4. Conserve water. The less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that eventually end up in our natural waters like rivers, lakes, and the ocean.
  5. Choose sustainable foods. Sustainable foods are types of foods that are grown or reared in a manner that limits their negative impact on the environment and the communities that produce them. Sustainable foods are environmentally friendly foods that minimize greenhouse gas emissions and use resources as sustainably as possible.
  6. Shop wisely. Buy less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag.
  7. Use long-lasting light bulbs. Energy-efficient light bulbs reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Also, flip the light switch off when you leave the room!
  8. Plant a tree. Trees provide food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the air, and help combat climate change.
  9. Don’t send chemicals into our waterways. Choose non-toxic chemicals in the home and office.
  10. Bike more. Walk more. Drive less. This is also a great way to live a healthier lifestyle as part of your overall well-being.

Eating Sustainable Foods Is Good For You & The Environment

What are sustainable foods?

Sustainable foods aim to lower the carbon footprint involved in their production. By choosing to eat sustainability, we, in turn, help minimize our personal environmental impact on the global level.

Besides environmental factors, sustainable eating also focuses on the way animals are raised and slaughtered and how farmers are treated and paid. Future foods must be sustainable if we are to manage the ever-expanding human population and the ever-dwindling stock of resources (land, water, and the food itself) that we have on the planet.

Here are some commonly available sustainable food examples:


Beans are one of the most widely produced and widely available sustainable foods on the market. They are also particularly easy to incorporate into your existing diet and come in a wonderful variety of different types.

Beans are legumes, and this family also includes pulses. They are sustainable to produce (with low water content and high yield), and they are incredibly healthy. Beans are a source of protein (perfect for veggie and vegan diets) and a great source of B12, which traditionally we get from red meat such as beef.

Beans are as varied as pinto beans, kidney beans, fava beans, and soybeans (used to prepare tofu).


Mussels are highly underrated seafood because, unlike most seafood, mussels can be produced sustainably. The majority of mussels are actually farmed, using long lines strung out in the water. Harvesting mussels doesn’t result in large amounts of by-catch or destruction to coral reefs.

In terms of health, mussels are packed full of protein. Their meaty texture and taste make them an exceptionally viable alternative to traditional kinds of seafood and meats, which are no longer able to be produced sustainably.

Organic Vegetables

Of course, no sustainable foods list is complete without including vegetables, but you do need to be carefully selective about the vegetables you purchase.

The best route to take is the organic route, which involves far fewer pesticides added to the soil. This helps keep your veg natural. It also protects the soil from becoming overloaded with unnatural substances, which is essential for the long-term viability of any patch of farmland.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are the epitome of healthy foods and include everything from kale to spinach. If it’s green and leafy, then it’s going to be good for you. Leafy greens are easy to produce in large quantities while taking up minimal resources, and there are a lot of different variants for you to try.

Leafy greens are not only great for salads and smoothies but can easily be incorporated into your other meals too (kale crisps, spinach curry, lettuce wraps, and so much more!).


Rice is a staple food source in many parts of the world, and the reason behind this is its traditional hardiness and high energy content.

Rice is easy to grow, and despite our vision of enormous rice paddies filled with water, rice doesn’t actually need much water to grow (the water in rice paddies keeps away harmful pests and bacteria). Rice is easy to cultivate, easy to cook, and can be stored for long periods of time.


Lentils are a type of legume (and are often considered a type of bean), but we’ll include them separately because they are a fantastic protein source and a great alternative to other kinds of beans.

Lentils need little water to be produced, but they can yield huge quantities of protein. They are perfect for salads, soups, curries, and so much more.

Organic Fruits

Like vegetables, it’s impossible not to include fruit on our sustainable food list, but you need to be careful which fruits you buy. Again, it’s always a safe bet to choose organically grown fruits when you’re in the store or at the market.

Try to source local, seasonal fruit if you can, as this will involve a lower carbon footprint (they’ll have been transported far less distance to reach the shelf). Fruits are incredibly diverse, and your local availability will depend on climate, demand, and many other factors.


Meat (especially red meat) is traditionally difficult to produce sustainability, purely because it takes a large amount of land and a large quantity of water to feed cattle. Soaring demand for beef products, such as steaks and hamburgers, has directly contributed to deforestation and climate change.

However, if you’re not ready to give up meat for a plant-based diet, then one of the most sustainable meat options is bison. Bison actually help to restore vegetation through trampling, and their grazing tactics are far more sustainable than cows.

Riding A Bike Or Walking Is Good For You & The Environment

Ride A Bike! Cycling Health Benefits

Cycling is a healthy, low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from young children to older adults. It is also fun, cheap, and good for the environment.

Riding to work or the shops is one of the most time-efficient ways to combine regular exercise with your everyday routine. An estimated one billion people ride bicycles every day – for transport, recreation, and sport.

Cycling is mainly an aerobic activity, which means that your heart, blood vessels and lungs all get a workout. You will breathe deeper, perspire and experience increased body temperature, which will improve your overall fitness level.

The health benefits of regular cycling include:

Learn More & Get Involved

Learn More About Earth Day 2022

The Earth Day 2022 Theme is Invest In Our Planet. What Will You Do? Click below to find information on Earth Day events, activities, and what individuals and organizations can do to make a difference.