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2020 Census Is Happening Now

Abr 03, 2020

The 2020 Census is happening now. You can respond online, by phone, or by mail.

Your participation in the 2020 Census matters. Health clinics like ¡HealthCore Clinic. Fire departments like Station 10. Schools like Mueller Elementary. School lunches. Families in need. Even roads and highways. The census can shape many different aspects of your community. The results determine how many seats in Congress Kansas gets. It’s mandated by the U.S. Constitution in Article 1, Section 2: The U.S. has counted its population every 10 years since 1790.

The results of the 2020 Census will help determine how hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funding flow into communities every year for the next decade. That funding shapes many different aspects of every community, no matter the size, no matter the location.

Think of your morning commute: Census results influence highway planning and construction, as well as grants for buses and other public transit systems. Or think of your local schools: Census results help determine how money is allocated for the Head Start program and for grants that support teachers and special education. The list goes on, including programs to support rural areas, to restore wildlife, to prevent child abuse, to prepare for wildfires, and to provide housing assistance for older adults.

The 2020 Census is more than a population count. It’s an opportunity to shape our community’s future. Through your social media channels, your voice can make a difference. You can inspire others. Tell everyone—your friends and family, neighbors and co-workers—that you will complete the census, and that they should respond now, too! Census results have an impact on planning and funding for health clinics (like HealthCore Clinic) and highways, fire departments and disaster response, education programs such as Head Start and college tuition assistance, and so much more.

Through your social media channels, you can help shape your community. Share this post or one of these videos today!